We don’t have the ultimate solution to all challenges of today’s busy lives. But we know that making more space for wellness in your bathroom can help you cope with it. Find out how to create your very own personal oasis of relaxation and let yourself live a healthier, more eased everyday life.
Often, all we need after a busy day is a few hours to ourselves – to forget about ever-growing to-do lists and look after ourselves. Why not let our bathrooms create that space of reflection, relaxation and wellness for us? Ever considered what small interior design tweaks can do to the overall look and feel of your bathroom? And have you ever heard about hot and cold water therapy?
We collected a few tips and tricks to make the time we spend in our bathroom count.

Add decorative elements
Just like any other room in our homes, our bathrooms are living spaces too and need some interior attention. Whether that means adding a few plants, painting an accent wall or setting up furniture and decorative elements that help you store your toiletries, there’s a lot of ways to add your personal touch and create an uncluttered look.
So don’t be shy to let your creativity flow. After all, it’s usually our bathrooms where we start and end our days. So why not make the most of it and ensure you feel comfortable and relaxed? If you’re going for more wellness, for example, how about placing candles around the bathtub or making use of special bathtub-trays that allow you to have your book, a glass of wine or both close to you while you’re taking a relaxing bath?

Go for functionality and ease-of-use to increase comfort
While finding the right décor, don’t forget about functionality. There’s nothing more frustrating than a leaking faucet or a worn-down shower head. Fixtures that work the way they are supposed to can save you a lot of stress and help you feel comfortable, healthy and homely.
Replacing an old shower head with a new one, for example, is an easy quick fix that you’ll be thankful for every time when you take your morning shower, while creating a healthier, more modern overall bathroom environment. It can also significantly increase comfort as you get to select a shower head or faucet that exactly fits your needs. A multi-jet shower head, for example, allows you to choose between different spray types to match your different moods, while a touchless or high spout faucet can provide the freedom you need to move around when performing your daily bathroom routines.

Start a new habit: A hot and cold answer to everyday stress
You may have heard about hot and cold-water therapy already. Also known as contrast water therapy, it’s designed to expose the body to alternating intervals of hot and cold water. Especially in the athlete's world, it has become a widely used treatment by professional athletes, physicians, and physiotherapists all around the world.
“Alternating hot and cold treatment, meanwhile, is perfect for stimulating the circulatory system and metabolism. Above all, I use variations in temperature to speed recovery between training sessions, tells Finnish triathlete, Kaisa Sali, considered one of the most successful long-distance triathletes in the world.

I have also found that hot-cold therapy helps relieve swelling of the feet, for example, after a long day of travel or prolonged standing. Many people use hot-cold therapy to stimulate the body in the morning, but for me, temperature variations help with relax and getting to sleep at the end of a tough day, ” Kaisa continues.
But you don’t need to be a professional athlete to bring some wellness into your everyday lives. We believe that hot and cold water therapy is for everyone.
Here are three good reasons why you should consider trying it out yourself:
- Stress down your body and mind
Stress is the source of most neck, back and headaches. To many of us, it can severely impact our capacity to deal with the physical and mental challenges we face in our everyday lives.
Hot and cold water therapy can relieve muscular tension and enhances blood circulation which effectively reduces stress symptoms and helps uncloud your mind.
- When ‘rise and shine’ is easier said than done
Do you have trouble getting up in the morning? Well, you’re not alone. Hot and cold water therapy helps you activate your body, kick start your blood circulation, relieve fatigue and boost your energy, giving you the best start to the day. Who knows? Suddenly you might find yourself embracing your inner early bird.
- Physical restraints in everyday life
Professional athletes use water therapy to soothe and nurture muscles after hard workout sessions. But it’s not just professional athletes that need rapid recovery.
Our daily activities can put an equally tough strain on our muscles. Whether that’s caused by heavy workouts at the gym or by activities like grocery shopping.
Dedicated shower programs can help release muscle tension and reduce oedema and muscle cramps allowing you to recover after tough physical work.
Enjoy the full wellness treatment in your home
We believe that hot and cold water therapy can help everyday heroes with everyday problems and become more physically and mentally equipped to deal with the pressure.
That’s why at HANSA we designed a shower system that alternates between hot and cold water with different intervals, allowing you to choose between three dedicated shower programs RELAX, RELOAD, and RECHARGE through the simple touch of a ‘Wellfit button’ on the thermostat.
“The shower has three programmes that alternate between hot and cold water, with different volumes and duration depending on the purpose. One program helps to reduce muscle pain and speeds recovery after exercise, another relaxes the body and mind, and the third programme activates the whole body and boosts the blood circulation. The handy HANSA App gives you more programmes to choose from, or you can create your own. Personally, I’ve enjoyed using a bit longer cold water periods than the more even hot-cold balance of the basic programmes.”- Kaisa explains.
No matter whether you’re just looking for simple design tweaks, new fittings, or ways to live a healthier life, bringing some personal wellness into your own home is never a bad idea.
Want to read more about hot and cold therapy and the Oras Esteta Wellfit shower system?