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How technology can customise faucets to meet user needs

How technology can customise faucets to meet user needs

From more efficient installation to smart monitoring and adjusting, app-controlled faucets can improve installers' daily work and faucet users' user experience. Explore how in this article.

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Oras Group leads Nordic competitors in Environmental Product Declarations

Oras Group leads Nordic competitors in Environmental Product Declarations

Oras Group reinforces its commitment to environmental responsibility by obtaining EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) for nearly a third of its products sold in Finland. With 784 products...

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What are EPDs and why is it important to look at the full lifecycle of a faucet?

What are EPDs and why is it important to look at the full lifecycle of a faucet?

We’ve gathered our sustainability experts to discuss everything project planners need to know about navigating the complex world of environmental certifications and documentation in the future.

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Architecting a flagship faucet experience onboard one of the world’s most climate-smart passenger ships

Architecting a flagship faucet experience onboard one of the world’s most climate-smart passenger ships

When Viking Line planned the design and interior of its new passenger cruise ship, Viking Glory, equipping the 222-metre vessel’s bathrooms and kitchens with the right choice of faucets was a smooth...

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How to consult your customers on sustainable faucets

How to consult your customers on sustainable faucets

Long-lasting and resource-efficient installations are in high demand – today more than ever before.

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From mechanic switches to remote buttons – Here’s all you need to know about dishwasher valves

From mechanic switches to remote buttons – Here’s all you need to know about dishwasher valves

Mechanic, electronic and remote dishwasher valves. What’s the difference and what does that mean for your installation?

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