The Danish test family has now completed the test of the Oras touchless faucet – with success. Success is not only measured on how much water the family have saved but also whether the family likes the functionality of the faucet and finds that the faucet makes a difference in their daily life.
Hard facts and softer things
The test was carried out the following way:
- Two weeks of measuring the water consumption of the old single lever faucet
- Changing the faucet to a touchless model – two weeks without measuring the water consumption to get used to the new faucet.
- Two weeks of measuring the water consumption of the new touchless faucet
Testing and measuring the water consumption for only two weeks is quite a short period of time, but newer the less, the test family started to get used to the new faucet and started saving water.
In two weeks the old single lever faucet had a total consumption of 17.40 m3 water, which equals to DKK 1.666,- incl. heating up the hot water (EUR 222). After changing the old faucet to a touchless model from Oras the family was given a few weeks to getting used to the new faucet. The submeters was once again put to work and the water consumption after changing the faucet showed a total consumption of 14.70 m3, which equals to DKK 1.503,- incl. heating up the hot water (EUR 200)
In other words, the family saved 2.70 m3 water and DKK 163,- (EUR 22) equivalent to 16 % in just two weeks – imagine what that can amount to when they have gotten properly used to the touchless faucet.
The family is really happy about their touchless faucet and after having firsthand experience they would recommend the touchless faucet to others. “Actually we have already recommended the touchless faucet to others”, Tina says.
The habits in the family haven’t changed much, except from the fact that the faucet in the bathroom is used even more for washing hands – “It’s just easier than opening the kitchen faucet manually”, Tina tells
So yes, the Meinertz family is happy about their new touchless faucet – it’s not only looking really nice, it’s also holds great functionality.
To read more about Oras touchless faucets click here
To see the full range of touchless faucets click here