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Things you need to know about Oras Bidetta – questions and answers

Things you need to know about Oras Bidetta – questions and answers

Oras washbasin faucet solutions with Oras Bidetta hand shower enable water to flow from washbasin faucet to a separate Bidetta hand shower, usually located next to the toilet.

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Oras Esteta Wellfit and shower system - installation

Oras Esteta Wellfit and shower system - installation

Oras Esteta Wellfit is a shower system with a modern and elegant design, featuring hot and cold-water treatment, or contrast water therapy. Despite its advanced features, the installation of this...

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The creation of Oras Esteta Wellfit told by NOA designer Michael Lammel

The creation of Oras Esteta Wellfit told by NOA designer Michael Lammel

Developing new Oras products is an intricate and time-consuming process. At Oras, there is no compromise between design and functionality, which can create a challenging and exiting design process.

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Oras tools – making your work easier

Oras tools – making your work easier

910011 - Key 13 mm, special key for Oras 3S installation As we are already preparing for the coming autumn and the installation season of water fittings, it is good to recall some installation...

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Right usage and installation of Safira summer cottage faucet

Right usage and installation of Safira summer cottage faucet

Oras Safira faucets with water heater, specially designed for summer houses, offer added comfort and luxury to your summer cottage. There are two models available, one for kitchen (1023F) and one for

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Two things to be checked when installing an electronic faucet to guarantee flawless function

Two things to be checked when installing an electronic faucet to guarantee flawless function

Thanks to Oras’ long commitment to developing electronic faucet technology, each Oras electronic faucet is a masterpiece of its kind - there is nothing too much, nothing too less - every single part...

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