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Oras washbasin faucet solutions with Oras Bidetta hand shower enable water to flow from washbasin faucet to a separate Bidetta hand shower, usually located next to the toilet. 

When opening the faucet, the water flow comes out of the faucet, but when pressing the tigger on Bidetta hand shower, the water comes out of the hand shower. Releasing the trigger stops the flow from shower and the water comes again out through the faucet.  All this is possible thanks to a special ejector technology built inside the cartridge.

Below you’ll find the most fequently asked questions and answers about the Bidetta hand shower:

Q: Can we use Bidetta hand shower with a bath or shower faucet?

A: It is possible to use the Bidetta hand shower only with a bath or shower faucet using an ejector swivel spout (e.g. Oras 211525). For correct operation, the faucet with Bidetta hand shower always needs an ejector. In this case the ejector is inside the spout.

Q: Can I install Bidetta hand shower with an ordinary single lever washbasin faucet?

A: The Bidetta hand shower cannot be installed afterwards to the washbasin faucet. The faucet should be designed for the Bidetta hand shower. All Bidetta compatible Oras faucets are sold by default with the Bidetta hand shower.

Q: Is it possible to use a longer hose for the Bidetta hand shower?

A: Faucets with the Bidetta hand shower have a so called ejector, which is not a mechanical diverter. Due to the ejector the water speed gets faster and it is guided to the shower hose with the Bidetta hand shower. Faucets with Bidetta hand shower are designed to operate with 1.5 m or 2 m Oras shower hoses. If an extension is needed, it should be done with Ø12 mm Cu-pipe up to 2 meters or with Ø15 mm up to 3 meters.

When using Pex pipes, consider the equivalence of internal diameters to Cu pipes. The bends of the pipes should be made smoothly with the lint, not with the press connectors.

The angle connector must be connected in such a way that the inner diameter is not substantially reduced. The angle connectors with closing valve will always cause extra flow resistance. Continuing lenghtening the hose to of the Bidetta hand shower should be carried out as smoothly as possible, avoiding sharp bends.

Although everything has been done according to the instructions, few drops of water may come from the faucet after using the Bidetta hand shower. This is normal due to the increased flow resistance.

Q: Does it make any difference at what height I install the Bidetta hand shower?

A:  There are no official regulations for the installation height.  We recommend to install Bidetta hand shower so that it is comfortable to reach. The hose shouldn’t be too long and shouldn’t lie on the floor.


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