Going Touchless – The Danish family - Part 1
Before signing up to become an Oras test family, Tina Meinertz and her family didn’t really have any experience as such with touchless faucets. The family had met this kind of faucet primarily in...
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How to wash your hands right?
Did you know the average handwashing time is less than 2 seconds? Keep that in mind next time you shake someone's hand! Proper hand wash is arguably the single best thing you can do to prevent your...
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Looking for a helping hand in the bathroom?
A solution with an Oras faucet and a Bidetta hand shower brings you an easy fix to many of the little things that can be a challenge in the bathroom, such like:
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Want to get rid of those nasty bacteria? We can help you!
What can we do to avoid those nasty bacteria spreading and making us sick? We might not be able to avoid the bacteria completely but there are things we can do to minimize the risk. Good hand hygiene...
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Do you want to know the secret behind our Oras touchless faucets – and why they make for an excellent choice?
Our touchless faucets come in different designs but at the core, you will find the same reliable technology which is a result of decades of experience. Did you know that Oras was one of the first...
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Touchless faucets are safe and easy to use, and help save water and energy
Despite being one of our most precious natural resources, water is often wasted. Touchless faucets make everyday life easier – and do so more ecologically. The water flow stops automatically when you...
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