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Hillerød Forsyning chose Oras faucet to achieve better hygiene.

Hillerød Forsyning has good control over cleanliness in the new administration building, where waste water and drinking water employees are gathered under the same roof. One of the resources are the touchless Oras fittings in the strictly separated departments.

Hillerød Forsyning's new administration building accommodates around 100 employees and lies at the southern outer edge of Hillerød, where the water supply and the waste water departments have been located, together with waste handling and a large recycling site. Previously the departments were separated. 

We are exposed to infection all the time, e.g. on public transport, in day-care facilities, in care homes, in schools and at workplaces - where we try to keep ourselves healthy and reduce sick leave. But a simple sneeze in the hand can mean that several others get infected. Because the sneeze in the hand contains infection, which is transmitted when you grab a door handle or faucet, the infection is quickly passed on to one or more others.

The water supply and waste water departments are separate

- Water supply and waste water are two worlds which must not be combined, says project leader Henrik  Prühs, Hillerød Forsyning. Waste water is a source of water with the highest risk of infection from rats and other animals in the open country, whilst drinking water is regarded as a food.

 - The challenge was to get a waste water and a drinking water personnel under the same roof when planning the new building for the administration and operating personnel. Therefore the two departments were located at each end of the new building, with all of the administrative functions in the middle. This is so that the operating personnel in the two departments cannot meet until they have passed through their respective shower departments, explains the project leader.

 - After the tender we selected 16 touchless Oras shower fittings for the bathrooms, among other things. The aim was to reduce the possibilities of infection so that the employees could maintain their health. And it has worked, concludes project leader Henrik Prühs. 

Oras touchless faucets at Hillerød Forsyning


Oras is the market leader in touchless and electronic fittings

Over 30 years ago the Finnish company Oras put the first touchless fittings on the market. Oras is therefore market leader in touchless and electronic fittings, with 5 product series in the programme:

 Oras has decided to produce the series in a timeless design and for different applications - showers, washbasins and kitchens - both for private homes and public places.

 - The touchless fittings have the big advantage that they save both water and energy because they automatically shut off the water when it is not used. And although the user should not touch the fittings, they are easy to clean, so there is an optimum degree of hygiene, says Country Manager Kasper Sixtus Thomsen, Oras Armatur A/S.


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