
How to choose the right water-saving shower head

Written by Oras | 11.05.2021

Are you considering an eco-friendly shower head to reduce water consumption in your bathroom? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled a list of models that could match your needs and bathroom design.

Did you know that in an average European household, showering accounts for over a third of water use? The average shower consumes 45 litres of water, with a flow rate of 11 litres per minute [1]. As we become more aware of the challenges of a changing climate and strive to live more sustainably, water conservation has become a priority for many of us.

[1] Amphiro (2014) The Effectiveness of Real-time Feedback: The Influence of Demographics, Attitudes, and Personality Traits

The average shower consumes 45 litres of water

How can we become more aware and reduce water consumption when taking a shower? One option is to reduce shower time. But what if there was a way to cut our water consumption, without compromising on the comfort of a relaxing shower? The good news is that it’s all about efficiency.


The importance of good habits

Cutting shower time is about saving energy as water-heating is the second-largest energy expense within households, accounting for up to 18% of our utility bills.

When it comes to reducing energy consumption, forming good water-use habits is key. For that, we need to pay attention and track our shower behaviour.

Most of us are not aware of how long we shower or what temperature we usually set per default. That’s why we recommend shower heads that restrict the flow and temperature of your showers and help you track your consumption to form better habits.


What is a low-flow shower head?

 Shower systems are measured by flow (the number of litres they deliver per minute). The latest and most advanced water-saving technologies can restrict the volume of water that flows through the shower, keeping the amount of water released down to a minimum.

Oras' low-flow hand showers are specifically designed to reduce water consumption and can cut water flow by half, without impacting the comfort of your shower.


Find the right shower head for your shower habits

Whatever your habits, we can help you find the right shower set for your family – one that matches your water-saving ambitions and your lifestyle needs. Let’s have a look at the designs and functions available.

1. Oras Apollo 1-Spray Eco

With only 6.6 litres of water flow per minute, this hand shower can help you save water dramatically while still providing a comforting shower experience.

2. Oras Apollo 3-spray models

With a clean, geometric shape, the Oras Apollo can match any bathroom design.

It comes with three spray options. You can select your preferred spray type easily by using a handy switch.

With a flow rate of online 9 litres per minute, the EcoFlow spray option allows you to cut water flow in half, compared to the usual 18 litres per minute.

With Oras Apollo hand showers, you can choose between different design option.


You can choose between the Oras Apollo shower set, including wall bracket and shower hose, or customise your existing shower set with a distinctive style variant, such as the Oras Apollo Style hand shower. Whether you choose the shower set or just the hand shower, you can choose between two design styles: Soft-cube or round design.


 3. The digital hand shower

The latest addition to Oras’s line of shower heads, this smart digital hand shower comes with a water-powered display that tracks your real-time water consumption. A simple LED light will change colour according to your usage, turning red when you shower for a little too long. The fixture is also equipped with Bluetooth technology, which allows you to track your water usage on the Oras Digital Hand Shower App.

Saving water and energy shouldn’t come at the expense of a well-deserved, relaxing shower at the end of the day. Low-flow fixtures are a great investment, helping you reduce water consumption without giving up comfort.